sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

As Mudanças nos Oceanos podem causar impactos diretos na vida do Homem


ScienceDaily (2010-06-19) -- The heart and lungs of the planet, the world's oceans, shows worrying signs of ill health, concludes the first comprehensive synthesis of recent research into the effects of climate change on oceans.

O coração e os pulmões do planeta, os oceanos, mostram sinais preocupantes de enfraquecimento da sua saúde, conclui a primeira síntesis da recente pesquisa sobre os efeitos da mudança climática nos oceanos.

quarta-feira, 9 de junho de 2010

Onde tem mais CO2 nos EUA e para onde vai?

ScienceDaily () -- Biogeochemists located where the most carbon dioxide emissions occur in the U.S. using a new mapping system. With this program-available to anyone on the Web-researchers were able to extract information about carbon dioxide emissions by transforming data on local air pollution and combining it with geographic information systems (GIS) data to layer the emissions onto infrastructures at the Earth's surface. The map helps us learn more about carbon emissions and gives scientists a way to check the accuracy of satellite images.

terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010